Academic System

Student academic evaluation is carried our continuously through home work assignments, Project, class tests, unit tests, terminal tests , half yearly and final examination. Student are Promoted on the basis of their cumulative performance in the academic year progress Report of each student are also given to their parents at the end of each test / exam.

English speaking

Language support to non-English speaking children is provided until they become efficient users of English by specially trained ESL teachers.

Effective revision program

Comprehensive and effective revision programs have been prepared for students appearing for final board examination so that they face the examinations with confidence.

Educational Philosophy

• An environment where learning takes place without fear is essential for learning success.

• Learning by doing is the most effective way of learning.

• Holistic education through active engagement in all areas of learning will produce successful citizens of tomorrow.


• Teaching is more exploratory than explanatory at New Central Public Academy which makes learning fun for the kids.

• Great emphasis is laid on language and numeric skill development which is so essential for future learning

• We plan to replace assessment of learning by assessment rubrics rather than the traditional numerical scores obtained in formal time bound examinations which we believe don’t assess the true abilities of all children.