Principal's Desk

A School's aim is to equip the children with integrity, coverage and compassion to face the challenging realities of the modern world.
Hence, at New Central Public Academy we aid at imaparting quality education with its goal set on the all round personality development of hte students.
We equip the students mentally, morally, culturally and physically to become worthy.
Our focus at New Central Public Academy is to make TEACHING- LEARNING a joyful process. Our School is committed to the right to QUALITY EDUCATION; various educational Programmes are organized to strengthen student skills and cultivate their talents to meet the need of changing educational trends. We believe in offering all children the opportunity to reach their potential through a rigorous curriculum. We are committed to best practices and strategies that address individual needs continuous improvement and provide guidance to help student become self –directed, life –long learners critical thinkers and responsible citizens.
Our basic vision of success is "Aim, Aspire and Achieve."
Poonam Prasad